How this got started

My Name is Rulon Swensen. Call sign K7BTU is an idea that came about because of my interest in the hobby of amateur radio.
From an early age of about 16, I was interested in radio communication that began with CB radio and shortwave listening. I never graduated to amateur radio until later in life and got my license in 2007. Now I wonder how much I missed in those years in between.
When I passed the test, I promised myself that "If I was going to get my license and purchase radio equipment, then I was going to do something with it." I was not going to put my radio on the shelf and only use it when needed. It is my conviction that we need to practice our skills regularly.
There were a couple of clubs in the area as well as the local county-wide ARES group. I attended a couple of meetings but found that I was more interested in helping at a local community level. I found that there were over 100 licensed "HAMs" in my community and I wanted to give them a reason to help the community. I approached my local community leaders and started a local community net, held each week. Our local net has been going for 13 years now and both individually and collectively we work closely with the local county-wide ARES and state wide RACES group.
"WORK" that is the key to success in any endeavor in amateur radio. We need to work with each other and in the process have fun with our hobby. Thus, the name selection for this website, is an idea that came about because of my interest in the hobby of amateur radio.
From an early age of about 16, I was interested in radio communication that began with CB radio and shortwave listening. I never graduated to amateur radio until later in life and got my license in 2007. Now I wonder how much I missed in those years in between.
When I passed the test, I promised myself that "If I was going to get my license and purchase radio equipment, then I was going to do something with it." I was not going to put my radio on the shelf and only use it when needed. It is my conviction that we need to practice our skills regularly.
There were a couple of clubs in the area as well as the local county-wide ARES group. I attended a couple of meetings but found that I was more interested in helping at a local community level. I found that there were over 100 licensed "HAMs" in my community and I wanted to give them a reason to help the community. I approached my local community leaders and started a local community net, held each week. Our local net has been going for 13 years now and both individually and collectively we work closely with the local county-wide ARES and state wide RACES group.
"WORK" that is the key to success in any endeavor in amateur radio. We need to work with each other and in the process have fun with our hobby. Thus, the name selection for this website,